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[老歌回眸] 点一首《老男孩》送给论坛所有老男孩!

发表于 2011-4-21 23:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 篮下魔术师 于 2011-4-22 17:33 编辑



           那是我日夜思念深深爱着的人啊 / I am deeply in love with her Thinking of her day and night
到底我该如何表达 / But how can I express myself
她会接受我吗 / And will she accept me
也许永远都不会跟她说出那句话 / Maybe I'll never expose my heart to her
注定我要浪迹天涯 / For I am always wondering about Alone and homeless
怎么能有牵挂 / How can I be on tenderhooks
梦想总是遥不可及 / Dreams are but dreams
是不是应该放弃 / Maybe I should give up
花开花落又是一季 / Flowers bloom and fade again and again
春天啊你在哪里 / But where is the spring for me

青春如同奔流的江河 / Youth is like a swift current
一去不回来不及道别 / rushing by without saying good-bye
只剩下麻木的我 / Leaving me behind
没有了当年的热血 / numb cold spent
看那满天飘零的花朵 / A beautiful flower
在最美丽的时刻凋谢 / faded at its prime time in spring
有谁会记得这世界他来过 / But who cares if it ever lived in this world

转眼过去 多年世间 / Many years have elapsed in a blink of the eyes
多少离合悲欢 / Witnessing unions and departures joys and sorrows
曾经志在四方少年 / The wondering boy envies the wild goose
羡慕南飞的雁 / that flies to his home in the south before winter comes
各自奔前程的身影 / People go in different directions
匆匆渐行渐远 / away and gone
未来在哪里平凡 / But where is my future just simple ordinary days for me
啊 谁给我答案 / Oh who can give me the answer
那时陪伴我的人哪 / Where are you
你们如今在何方 / The girl who used to sit by my side
我曾经爱过的人啊 / Are you still beautiful and lovely
现在是什么模样 / As the girl in my memory

当初的愿望实现了吗 / Have you realized your dreams
事到如今只好祭奠吗 / Maybe we'll let bygones be bygones
任岁月风干理想再也 / However hard I may try
找不回真的我 / I can not find my true self
抬头仰望这漫天星河 / A million stars are twinkling in the sky
那时候陪伴我的那颗 / And I try to find out the one that used to stay by me
这里的故事 / Oh my dear companion of yesterday
你是否还记得 / Do you still remember the time we shared together


生活像一把无情刻刀 / Life is like a sculptor's graver cold and ruthless
改变了我们模样 / Has changed our shape
未曾绽放就要枯萎吗 / Will the flower wither before it ever has a chance to bloom
我有过梦想 / But I used to have my dream

青春如同奔流的江河 / Youth is like a swift current
一去不回来不及道别 / rushing by without saying good-bye
只剩下麻木的我 / Leaving me behind
没有了当年的热血 / numb cold spent
看那满天飘零的花朵 / A beautiful flower
在最美丽的时刻凋谢 / faded at its prime time in spring
有谁会记得这世界他曾经来过 / But who cares if it ever lived in this world
当初的愿望实现了吗 / Have you realized your dreams
事到如今只好祭奠吗 / Maybe we'll let bygones be bygones
任岁月风干理想再也 / However hard I may try
找不回真的我 / I can not find my true self
抬头仰望这漫天星河 / A million stars are twinkling in the sky
那时候陪伴我的那颗 / And I try to find out the one that used to stay by me
这里的故事 / Oh my dear companion of yesterday
你是否还记得 / Do you still remember the time we shared together

如果有明天 / If tomorrow ever comes
祝福你 亲爱的 / I'll send my best wishes to you My dear girl


发表于 2011-4-21 23:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-4-21 23:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 兴高 于 2011-4-22 00:04 编辑

 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 23:35 | 显示全部楼层
回复 3Q哥 的帖子

发表于 2011-4-21 23:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-4-21 23:46 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 23:48 | 显示全部楼层
回复 麦麦哥 的帖子


发表于 2011-4-22 08:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2011-4-22 06:25 | 显示全部楼层

论坛是大家的哦,这首歌应该送给坛里所有的老男人哦 !
拉回来再学习五回  !

发表于 2011-4-22 07:13 | 显示全部楼层
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