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孩子们正在和将要遭受的苦难 -让我们一起帮助她们!

发表于 2013-5-27 00:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 自然狂想曲 于 2013-5-27 00:42 编辑

我的一位才华横溢英文语言技巧老师,一位来自英国伦敦的女孩,我去年冬天告诉了她我休假时发现的小孩子遭到性侵的事,当时就觉得她有种特殊的关切。最近有一天她送给我一本她刚出版的处女作,在她的签字旁写道:“THANK YOU FOR SPEAKING OUT”“谢谢你说出来”,这时我才知道,她在小时候遭受了一位亲戚的性侵犯,她把她随后将近二十多年的经历的病魔,苦难,挣扎,直到治愈的过程写成了她的第一本书。她无私的分享常人羞于启口的经历,希望能引起全球人们的重视,并对这种罪行造成的病痛及恶果,有正确的认识,这本书有将近500页,名字叫<I WOKE UP IN CHINA>.  只是刚刚出版,还只有英文版,希望很快有中文版,这样我们的受害的孩子们都能读,能加强信心治愈,今后能像我的老师一样非常成功。

在书中她写道,大家对遭受性侵害后孩子并不特别重视,因为没有象癌症和艾滋病那样直接的症状,但其实每个受害的小孩都会经历一种叫POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER(PTSD)应急性反应障碍,这是一种严重的病,这种病会使大脑里负责情感,记忆功能失常,小孩子会噩梦连连,长大后发展成严重的情感问题及自杀倾向,小孩越小,影响越大,大脑发育会减缓,如果没治愈甚至会遗传给下一代。

We spend our lives running. Running to work, to meet our friends, to get to the movies before they start—always rushing from one place to another on a whirlwind of activity. For some this hectic schedule is a form of escape, a reflex to avoid something deep inside that is too horrible to imagine and too painful to confront. For Kehinde Komolafe, moving halfway across the world is what it takes for that running to come to a stop. Following her inner voice, Kehinde leaves behind her successful banking career in London for a new adventure in Beijing and suddenly finds herself alone in a foreign land with very limited abilities to communicate to those around her. This forces her to look for solace in the one place she has been avoiding her entire adult life: inside herself. Finally uncovering the truth about the sexual abuse she experienced during her childhood, she knows now that there is no going back to who she was before moving to China. Able to face the horror of her past and fight to heal it, she begins to unravel the core of her being and unleash her true nature. Inspired by the World Health Organization’s findings that estimate one hundred and fifty million girls and seventy-three million boys under the age of eighteen experienced sexual violence of varying degrees in the year 2002 alone, Kehinde selflessly shares her story. A raw, emotional tour de force that is bracingly honest and emotionally resonant, Kehinde’s memoir lets other survivors of childhood sexual abuse know that life can go on, that what they experienced is in their past, and their future is as bright as they care to make it. A brave account of healing, personal growth, and an adventurous travelogue, IWokeUpInChina is an honest, searing, and inspirational story that offers a very real and balanced picture of what happens to the victim of sexual abuse.
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